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Jasmine Pearl Tea Co.| Matcha First Flush Tea|Powdered Green Tea

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First Flush Matcha is perfect for those who love to cook with this powdered green tea. Use it in smoothies, baked goods and any other recipes you can think of!

Matcha is made of fine young tea leaves, shaded for 2-3 weeks, then plucked, heated, dried, and slowly ground into a powder. The shading raises the chlorophyll content, giving the dried powder its deep green color, and also increases vitamin and amino acid content. As one is consuming the actual leaf, as opposed to drinking the brew steeped from the leaf, caffeine intake is higher, but available nutrient count is also elevated.

This First Flush Matcha is, as the name suggests, made from the first leaves plucked during tea harvest. This selection is produced in Shibushi Dist., Kagoshima Pref., Japan, and can be used for ceremonial purposes.

Japanese Matcha Green Tea.

Jasmine Pearl Tea Co.| Matcha First Flush Tea|Powdered Green TeaJasmine Pearl Tea Co.| Matcha First Flush Tea|Powdered Green TeaJasmine Pearl Tea Co.| Matcha First Flush Tea|Powdered Green TeaJasmine Pearl Tea Co.| Matcha First Flush Tea|Powdered Green Tea