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Jasmine Pearl Tea Co.| Lapsang Souchong Tea|Looseleaf Black Tea

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The smokiest of the smoked teas, Lapsang Souchong is a Chinese black tea smoked over pine roots. Its intense flavor conjures a summertime campfire in the outdoors. Great for cooking—try grinding up Lapsang and adding it to your soups, stews, meat rubs and hummus in place of liquid smoke! This will either be your most or your least favorite tea!

Smoked Chinese Black Tea.

Jasmine Pearl Tea Co.| Lapsang Souchong Tea|Looseleaf Black TeaJasmine Pearl Tea Co.| Lapsang Souchong Tea|Looseleaf Black TeaJasmine Pearl Tea Co.| Lapsang Souchong Tea|Looseleaf Black TeaJasmine Pearl Tea Co.| Lapsang Souchong Tea|Looseleaf Black TeaJasmine Pearl Tea Co.| Lapsang Souchong Tea|Looseleaf Black TeaJasmine Pearl Tea Co.| Lapsang Souchong Tea|Looseleaf Black Tea